GoRound registreert kritische controlepunten bij brouwerij Lindemans At the Lindemans Brewery, seven operators in two shifts use the GoRound app on their smartphone to register the results of the critical control point (CCP) inspections of the bottling line. This saves fifteen minutes per batch, says product manager Dimitri Pé. This article is based on the […]
Current & foreseen security operations
We present INA at the MEDEA IFAFRI Joint Event in Greece, explaining how it can be used for intervention management.
Batch records
Digital batch records and batch release results in improved product quality and compliance In the process industry batch records are key to keep track of the quality of a production batch. Batch records are common in batch production industries such as the food industry. They are typically paper forms, sometimes more than 10 individual sheets, […]
Optimize your inspections
Optimize your inspections and gain valuable time using GoRound and Crodeon!
INA intervention app
INA, the intervention app featuring chat, GIS map and file sharing for field workers
iTanks pitch
Pitching GoRound for the iTanks community iTanks is a community of port related companies. These include (petro)chemical refineries, storage & logistics companies, and service companies for engineering & maintenance. All these companies perform inspections everyday. It is stiking to see how much still work on paper and use Excel for data trending. With the GoRound […]
Gemsotec featured in Agoria newsletter
GoRound ondersteunt operatoren bij mobiele inspecties Het jonge Leuvense bedrijf Gemsotec ontwikkelt een mobiele oplossing voor operatoren die op grote sites inspecties en herstellingen uitvoeren. Agoria sprak met CEO en medeoprichter Geert Sergoyne over de ontwikkeling van hun product. Lees het volledige artikel op de Agoria website.