How factories can save valuable time using an IoT-connected inspection app
Crodeon and Gemsotec are proud to announce a new collaboration aiming to bring factories to the 21st century. The optimized inspection rounds from GoRound will now also leverage live sensor data to determine which inspection points must be checked. The companies call this another significant time saver for industrial customers.

With GoRound (Gemsotec) inspections and tasks are made easy and mobile. With Reporter® (Crodeon) users are able to access real-time sensor data about the assets they are revisioning. This results in better informed operators during daily operations. In addition, it opens the path towards optimized inspection rounds and ensures only relevant inspections are carried out. This allows significant time savings in both administration and operations.
Optimized Inspections
An inspection round in a factory typically consists of a fixed list of points to be inspected. This list has been assembled with greatest care to make sure everything is covered. These lists are exhaustive, but never very optimized. It often happens that an operator has to inspect a point while, for example, the asset is unavailable due to maintenance. Conversely, there are points that show a deviation more often and therefore need to be inspected more often.
The GoRound offers a solution to this problem. Geert Sergoyne, CEO at Gemsotec explains how it works: “We call this optimized inspection rounds. The system will determine which inspection points must be checked, based on the information available at that time. The calculation will be based on a number of criteria like frequency or last run time, and soon also live sensor data. This could be temperature or pressure readings or basic things like detection of a power outage.” This module would create inspection rounds automatically based on inspection points that require extra attention, in contrast to conventional fixed inspection rounds.

The value of saving time
If a sensor indicates an issue, an operator should check it. With GoRound he can further document the issue by taking notes and photos. He can immediately share his findings through Teams or by creating a service request. If none of the measurements indicate an anomaly, the operator can skip certains assets during his/her round.
Reporter® sensors are easy to install, and offer out-of-the-box integration with your assets. Jonathan Sercu, CEO at Crodeon: “Our technology is 100% plug & play so it’s non-intrusive and works in every factory. No need to ask permission from your plant manager or IT department to get our sensors up and running.”
Many reasons to get started
Stefan Ruyters, Innovation Specialist at Gemsotec: “The goal here is also to keep your employees engaged and motivated. With the scarcity of technical talent, it is of utmost importance to use the latest technologies. We help them prevent wasting time on meaningless repetitive tasks by using GoRound with a live sensor connection.”
Jonathan Sercu (Crodeon): “We are convinced that companies will soon realize the value of this solution, which is why we’re keeping setup costs low. Customers can get started with a single sensor and a proof of concept of the GoRound app so you can prove the value of these solutions before considering a company-wide rollout.”